I-1 Light Industrial Districts are primarily designed to support low-impact employment-generating activities, including light industrial operations, assembly, fabrication, offices, research and development, small-scale wholesaling, local distribution, and similar functions. These activities typically have minimal adverse operational impacts such as noise and traffic.
I-2 Medium Industrial Districts are mainly designated to facilitate light industrial uses, moderate-impact activities, and employment endeavors such as manufacturing, distribution, processing, and industrial parks. These activities may generate noise, odor, vibration, after-hours operations, or traffic impacts that extend beyond the property lines of the subject area.
I-3 Heavy Industrial Districts are primarily intended to accommodate heavy industrial uses, typically characterized by large-scale manufacturing, warehousing, distribution centers, and similar activities. These districts may involve significant operational impacts such as noise, odor, vibration, and heavy traffic, extending well beyond the boundaries of the property.
I-P Port Industrial Districts are primarily designated to support marine-related industrial activities, including docks, wharves, piers, transit sheds, and associated facilities used for the transfer, storage-in-transit, and incidental processing of cargo to and from waterborne vessels.
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Philadelphia Zoning is owned and operated by the law firm Console Matison, LLP.
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Suite 900
Philadelphia, PA 19102
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